Tag Archives: Workout

Summer BBQ’s and Bootcamp

A few weeks back I made the crazy decision to buy a Living Social deal for myself and Mark – 4 week bootcamp! I won’t lie and pretend that to offset my love of food I have an intense workout regime. I used to work in a cafe so 50 hours a week on my feet was my  workout. Since starting my office job I find I really don’t do much. I go for a half hour walk around Merrion square most days but it’s more of a stroll really. So, with five weeks to go until our holiday in Croatia we started the bootcamp and healthy eating on Tuesday.


To start off, I’m fairly impressed with my ability to avoid temptations around me with food. There’s always chocolates in the office or biscuits at home but I really haven’t had any difficulty saying no. I know it’s only day 2 but when I compare myself with Mark I’m doing fantastic. First off, on Tuesday we watched some ‘Come Dine With Me’ before bed and he was moaning about how hungry he was the whole time!

We went to his parents house for a barbeque last night and he had a serious problem saying no to the cornetto offered afterward. I had felt bad enough about having the bun with my burger so there was not a hope of me having dessert but poor Mark was giving me puppy dog eyes trying to convince me it was ok to eat it. Eventually he saw sense and went without. His second problem came when his mam handed him the end of the cone (the part with all that chocolate and still some icecream) to put in the bin and he sat there with it in his hands for a good two minutes like a deer in headlights, his eyes darting from the cone to me trying to avoid temptation until his dad took it from his hand and threw it in the bin. It was actually quite comical to watch!


I may be better at the eating bit but Mark kicks my ass at working out! He’s fit anyway, going for huge runs and cycling regularly. I found myself in a extremely bad mood before our first bootcamp on Tuesday because I was tired, I had a cold and basically I just didn’t want to do it! Once we got going I was surprised at the fact that I could manage it though. We did a quick warm up and then 5 circuits of 4 exercises follow my 3 circuits of another 4 exercises. The time flew and I actually enjoyed it!! I was a little sore yesterday but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. If anything it made me proud to know I had done good work.


ifxx4This morning was a different story. I woke up in bits! My first struggle came when I tried to go to the loo. Girls you will understand this. I had two options, I could do a kind of backwards crab to lower myself down or I could just let myself fall and hope I landed on the bowl. I went for option 2.

Struggle number two came when I had to hop the fence on my way to the train station. My sore legs combined with my choice of a pencil skirt ensured a comical display for anyone who happened to be up at 6.30am. Firstly there just wasn’t enough room to stretch my leg up so I had to hike my skirt RIGHT up! Then I couldn’t really bend my leg properly so I kind of kept my thigh straight and bent first one knee then the other outwards to get over. Classy lady!! I’ll be taking the long way home this evening.

Finally, struggle number 3. I got off the train and walked towards the escalator in Pearse. People were hurrying down the steps and I tried to follow suit but the pain was so immense I had to just stand aside and let everyone pass me as I stood there and let the lovely machine bring me down to the ground. Longest escalator ride ever!!


I’m sure there’ll be more struggles throughout the day which is really only increasing my dread for bootcamp tonight. I know working out again is the best way to stop the pain but I’d really rather just stay home and eat a cornetto!