Tag Archives: Spicydishes


20140717_174547Arrabiatta has to be my favourite Italian dish. I love spicy tomato sauces and arrabiatta literally means fiery sauce! I always have arrabiatta sauce in the freezer ready for when I need my favourite dinner. It’s really easy to make but after a long day in work why make it yourself when you can get someone to make it for you?

When I moved out it wasn’t long before I was sick of hearing “but I can’t cook, you’re so much better at it!” Sometimes, after a long day of work, when you have to go home and wash your hair (ugh, effort!), you just want to get out of the shower and see your dinner on the table. So I decided to write out some of my easy recipes which I cook in bulk. No more excuses for dear Marky.

Teaching him how to chop and make the meal was pretty funny. He was so proud of his efforts!  The pictures in these posts are of his arrabiatta sauce, not mine. It’s kind of a spin on Jamie Oliver’s recipe as I like to get more vegetables into me. I also use passata sauce rather than tins of chopped tomatoes as I think they can make the sauce a bit watery but you can use either.

Find my Arrabiatta recipe in my previous post!!