Tag Archives: chiiliconcarne

My weekend of cooking!

I had no big plans last weekend so I decided to get some good cooking done. My menu plan –

Friday – Chicken Jalfrezzi
Saturday – Chilli Con Carne
Sunday – The Sunday Roast
20140802_143244I hit my first speed bump on Friday when one after work drink with a departing colleague (miss you Tracey) turned into four or five. Clearly I was not going to be making a curry when I got home. Take away it was!! I had a feeling that would happen so I purposely took the chicken out of the freezer so that I would have to make it on Saturday if I didn’t make it home on Friday. I’m my own worst enemy.
After my at home bootcamp (Mark was working and couldn’t bring me to the class) I made a start on the curry. I tried out the Patak jalfrezzi jar as I’d heard good things. I just chopped up some onions, peppers and chicken and threw it all in to a pot with the sauce. I didn’t even fry anything first. You can feel the enthusiasm emanating from me, I know. It actually was lovely though! I didn’t even taste it until Mark got home and said it was nice! I definitely recommend it for a quick easy meal.
20140802_190823 (1)Once that had cooled down I portioned it and put it in the freezer for another day because I has big plans for my dinner – Chilli con carne sitting on the couch in front of the telly watching a movie and drinking a fizzy drink! Bliss!! I fried up some onion and garlic then threw in a spoon of cayenne pepper and stir quickly. Then I added the mince and browned it. Once I poured out the excess fat I threw in a jar of mild chilli con carne sauce from lidl and simmered for twenty minutes. Simples!! While that was going on I chopped up some potatoes into wedges, drizzled with oil, salt, pepper and paprika and but in the oven. They take between 20 and 45 minutes depending on the size.
Wedges and mince on our plates, I set everything down on the coffee table with a bowl of nachos and some salsa, sour cream, guacamole and parmesan. It’s a great meal to pick at! We also had 7up in wine glasses, we’re fancy like that!!
I feel my roast deserves a post all of it’s own so I’m going to write it up and post it on Sunday, just in time for you to try your own!  Find me on Facebook and instagram – @lovefoodbaby.